Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Growing, growing everyday.

We got to visit Tim, Kirsty, Timna, Phil, and Katie for a few days. We had fun and it was a nice, relaxing time. Odin and Katie hit it off and spent a lot of time playing together. Timna gave me a bunch of toys, books, and clothes from her and the other moms in her home. Thank you guys so much. I only got pic's of the kids but next time i'll get a pic of everyone.

Everyday my boys get bigger and I just know it won't be long till they are all grown up. Odin's new love is cars, he makes his car noise and drives them on any hard/flat surface he can find(all our floors are carpeted). Jarrell is really wiggly and laughs a lot now. He has started sucking his fists and coos and gurgles when he has my attention. He also stiffens his body and arches his back when he is angry(naughty boy).


Anonymous said...

Love those guys...

Anonymous said...

Hey Terri, glad the clothes are a help! xx praying for you guys