Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It's A .....

Went to get our first ultrasound yesterday, Jaydee was able to be there which was nice. and We found out what our new bundle of joy is going to be...A BOY. I was very disappointed, as I had my heart set on finally getting a girl, but what can you do. So Giana Marie will have to wait, and now we are looking for boys name. We would like the second name to be Brazilian, so if anyone has a good Brazilian name let us know.

One of his hands is under his chin and the other is up by his ear.


Anonymous said...

Joao? Esmael? Jordao? Elias? Trini? (=third one)



Josie said...

awwww..too cute! I'm gonna think of some names, will let u know.