Saturday, July 11, 2009

You know, I take pride in being punctual. I'm rarely ever late for anything especially when it's to help others achieve their destinations. I know I tend to lack a lot of different virtues, and as a human I am probably always letting somebody down one way or another. I'll probably honestly give it fare 50/50 % of the time. Yeah, I'm all that you say I am, so taking pride in my punctuality is just my little way of possibly trying to make up for it? Or to be faithful at something? I don't know, it is what it is. I have a real "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" thing goin on in the form of my being on time. It's not just common curtsy, it's a great way of showing you care. I don't like it when others make me late, it's not the greatest feeling to have to always rely one someone else for transportation for example. But what about when I bend over backwards on a daily basis, just to lend a helping hand to the ones I love so that they can be on time only to find out once I get there that their gonna make ME late? And not just a little late, very, very late. I'm talkin bout thick, black, gunky, car oil late. It makes me feel used, it makes me feel like they never gave a God damn. And after continuously doing this, I finally realize, the reason their life is in a hole in the first place, the reason they need my help so desperately is simply because their in a habit of feeding of the curtsy of others, abusing the trust and friendship of others. These are the friendless...


Anonymous said...

Gosh,I know how it feels to try to do something and make it a good habit to then have that happen to you. It's also when someone is late and they are needing you (or anyone) to help them, then they are taking minutes and even hours that you can't ever get back. Even if they would want to give it back.
GBY JayDee. You are trying to be "patient" I can see :) Lv ya!

Maya (and Tim)

e-ric said...

Speakin a late


I'm very proud to have been able to raise you in your earlier years

I'm so thankful you have fought through many a heart break to be a wonderful Father & Husband
not to speak of your other Valuable talents
for which you will get Great Rewards.

Love ya Lots..
please tell
Martyn Lovegoodie

that I remembered his B day a lil late
but that I think much the same of him
& am so happy he is still with us
& workin on what he likes best
(being music too)
& all of you/

Many Prayers for your happiness
& victories through it all.

in Jesus

e-ric said...

sorry I did not quite understand who this might be directed at, as an exhortation or rebuke about being late,,

You are right,however,
as our Founder (DBB) stated in respect to a persons time & being punctual.

However, he also mentioned that in our corrections, that we give Hope & a Positive ending to give the subject a way to be ok in it all!

just a suggestion
in Him

c ya

pa ivn

Jaydee said...

Tx Maya....Though life is always gonna throw problems at you, I am happy to say that the situation in which I posted about is long gone. instead, the Lord has provided a beautiful home for Terri and I here in Austin Tx. TYJ....and happy late birthday to you.....

Jaydee said...

Man, Love ya...happy late 62nd? biorthday to u too man..keep goin for God....

out peace

Jaydee said...

You're right..heat of the moment.
I have nothing but love for those i was mentioning, if i didn't I wouldn't have continuously put my time and attention on the line. And I was hoping that my attempt on a selfless sample would bare witness and a testament of my love for them.
Instead, I was rebuking the spirits, the demons of addiction, selfishness, pride, and habit that has been the root of my "loved ones" lives for as long as I can remember. If my actions and the actions of so many before me haven't at least spoke to them in the smallest way, I don't know what and when things and lives will be changed. Sorry, in all love and prayer for them, I never seen such spiritual handicap.

e-ric said...

Bless you son
& He has rewarded your cheerful willingness with a place in Austin.

Did you remember the nice lake near there? I hope you guys can enjoy sometime!

See ya

Jaydee said...

Umm, don't know if its the same one, but the day before my birthday my and my brother inlaws provisioned kayaks and went fishing there. caught nothing though we found a nice spot where a ton of Carp about 2 and a half or 3 feet long were. Those carp are pains. their so slow and picky, never go for our bate. so we went home and did some research. Apparently they love GRASS....go figure...i was tryin a take'm out with my paddles... they wold just look at me and smile. All i got from it was a bad sun burn.
Don't worry, theyll get whats comin to'm

Anonymous said...


Jaydee said...

Yeah, I've only caught one in my life, and thats exactly what I used.

Anonymous said...

I caught a bunch a shiners (lil bait fish) with those & tiny hooks at a special cow pond eons ago! <><


Hey Martin send me a song
he made in his closet or something.
U heard?
About His Love for GOD!
Very Cool!

Rock on
the New Word is Love
but Yes
it has many colors.



e-ric said...

Quiteness of our battle front

Love ya Miss ya

I guess I have ur number!!!

Keep Heaven Flown