Friday, April 13, 2007

Four Months Finished

Okay, so four months of creating our little one have come and gone and here I am still working on making him bigger (no, I don't know if it's a boy that's just what Jaydee wants, so that's what I call the baby). My belly now feels like a fish bowl with my little fishy swimming around exploring his little world. I've taken up gardening for exercise, I don't know what the heck I'm doing I just like being outside digging in the dirt and trying to make something grow. I'm pretty much over the sickness part I just get hit with it every now and then, tank you Jesus. I'm gonna take a pic soon of my little pot belly and post for all to see.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


So I guess I'm gonna be hitting up Wordstock once again. Haven't rapped for anything all year, except for the SGA thingamawhacker, so you can expect me to be rusty. Though I stand with the experienced opinion that Rappers don't gotta practice, it's just somfin that happens. Please pray that the prep for a new set goes well when i get to Cali, and that all travel details go smoothly.

This here is done by my brother and best friend, Samson, aka "Rebel". One of these days we'll be hitting the Wordstock stage together. But until then, he'll keep bustin out with rap lyrics and ideas that only his uniquely gifted mind can come up with... I'll be missin you at Wordstock, Brother. Keep ya head up!....Missionary G'z 4 real.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Snuggle Time

Everything has it's place, and right now... we snuggle!
and we snuggle well, we snuggle very well.

Two Cancers in a blanket, who you kiddin?

My Lady Of The Night

She who soundlessly glides through the world of my imagination

Whispering words of little meaning to my carnal, sleeping ears

The language of the Angels

Dancing for the Moon in expressions of eternal gratitude for light in blackened sun

Her tearful trust in that which eyes see not, hence Wisdom is found

In this she gives life

As mountains crumble in the crystal glaze of her stare

And mighty men fall into the reality of powdered bones, filling her hour glass

She is my fondest past and my dreamy present as the future draws nigh

Touching the stars and kissing the sky

She who loves the night and embraces destiny with outstretched arms

She who has no idea I posted this…..

Her laughter or my immediate Death is cretin…..