Monday, March 17, 2008

Day Off

Time flies by so fast, yet at the same time it can crawl by so slowly. My beloved has gone to "The City" again and this time for ten days. It's always so hard for me when he goes but, when it's this long, it's almost unbearable. At least I have my little Odin to comfort me, although he is not so little any more. He still adores me so much but he has his moments when he gets board of me and wants to go downstairs and play with the other children. Today I noticed that his first two little teeth had broken through his gums. I (like most first time moms) was thrilled and had to call daddy right away to tell him about it. He wasn't as excited as me though. He was too busy enjoying his day off and exploring NYC (taking pictures by bulls balls, weeping on tombstones, etc.). I, on the other, had spent my day off alone, at home, doing nothing, board stiff. But my day is almost over and I'm so relieved, that means one less day till my Baby gets home. End day one of phase two.

1 comment:

e-ric said...

uh wa?


I pray that U see the Rewards
& get'm too

Love ya