Saturday, May 17, 2008

Belated Posts

I've meant to do quite a few posts over the last few weeks but I just never got around to it, so here they are all together.

Chinese Dinner
May 8, 2008
we had a special Chinese dinner for a Home Activity cooked by myself and Tiffy. Everyone had to come dressed "Chinese." We had a special guest visiting at the time, dear Nicole, it was great fun having her around and everyone misses her.

Marco's Departure
May 9, 2008
Mark has left for a raod trip and then to Peru. we shall miss him dearly. He is a wonderful guy, and I think he shall be really happy there.

Tiffy Bang Brain
May 10, 2008
I want to tell you a story about two youngsters, their big sister, and their resent adventure. Middle youngster(Trevor) had wanted to go out on his bike for quite a while, but Mother would not let him because it was too dangerous since we live right by a large road. Yet, this youngster would not give up in his persistence and finally Mother agreed to let him and little youngster(Troy) go IF big sister(Tiffy) would go with them to make sure nothing would happen. So off they went on their merry lark. About an hour or so later, amidst the mayhem of an Mothers Day art project with the Preschoolers while at the same time trying to keep the babies happy, a man came knocking at the door. Something had happened, from what I could hear over the noise Big Sister had fallen off her bike and hit her head and someone had called an ambulance. So, off Mother went to see what had happened. I assumed it wasn't that serious and that someone had just over reacted and that they would be home soon with no problems. Time passed and the boys came back, from their story it wasn't that serious she had just driven off the road into a field, fallen off her bike, and hit her head, but she was awake and seemed okay. Still more time passed and Mother and big Sister hadn't returned. We guessed that they had gone to the hospital. That is when the youngsters came out with the full story. They had been ridding up and down a hill so fast that, "the tears were running down their cheeks," on top of that they were right on the side of the road. Older sister had been riding down the the hill when a car came driving by, she swerved off the road to avoid him going full speed then crashed in the field. After hearing that lively tale I began to worry that something really was wrong. Later that evening Mother called from the Hospital to tell us that Big Sister had a concussion and they would come home after the doctor saw her. When they got home Big Sister needed to rest for a few days, she had lost her memory from the week before but she slowly began to remember everything, but too this day she doesn't remember the afternoon of the accident.

Mothers Day
May 11, 2008
This year I had my first Mothers Day. I love being a mother it's the best things that has happened to me. Jaydee bought me some things for my garden, he's such a sweetie.

Eryns Birthday

May 12, 2008

I take care of Eryn everyday so I have a special connection with her. We had a "pink" Birthday party, everyone needed to wear something pink. I made the cake, it was the first time I used a cake decorating kit and I did a horrible job, but it was fun and Prom liked it so I was happy.


Anonymous said...

hahahaha...Odin looks fruity....

If i was at the house i would have prevented these last two pictures from being posted....ahhhh

everyone...for what its worth....despite the evidence against him, he is a very manly and masculine his faja!!

Anonymous said...

Now know that I help out a whole ton with that Chinese dinner!!!! You wouldn't have been able to fry up all those jioa zi (or however you spell it) without my help!!! And Nicole and Troy help don't be a glory hog!

Anonymous said...

WHATEVER JAYDEE!!!! You are the one who dressed him!!!

Anonymous said...

Damn, your right!!!! I'm a failure as a father!

Anonymous said...

by the look on lil o's face i think u should watch your back bro

Anonymous said...

No, we didn't argue like this at the Chinese dinner. lol. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Your cake decorating was fabulous, Terri! Eryn's cake was gorgeous, thanks to you! But most of all THANK YOU for your love,time, and patience in taking care of Eryn everyday. We couldn't have someone better and it means so much to me (and Toshi) and she'll thank you one day.