Saturday, September 1, 2007

Week 39

Two weeks till my due date.
For all those who don't know I'm gonna have the baby at home. The midwife (Susan) has delivered my youngest brother, two of my nephews, and two of my nieces. She's really sweet and she does the delivery for free, but she does it herself and not through her clinic. (Which is why I haven't gotten an ultra sound, which is why we don't know what the baby is going to be.) She keeps things really simple which I prefer it makes me feel more comfortable. Anyhow I went to a free clinic to find out what my blood type was so I wouldn't have to take the RHoGam shot. When I went and told them what I wanted they were very surprised that I hadn't gotten any blood work done, being obviously pregnant. I found it very amusing that everyone kept looking so surprised that I was about to have a baby had done no "regular" tests and I was having the baby at home (which was the main shocker it seemed). Well they were very kind and even though they don't ussual do that there they helped me to get the blood work done that I wanted as well as some other blood work that they felt I needed.
In other news Jaydee is on the road and I miss him, sob.
Oh, and my whooping cough is doing much better, TYJ.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

cool, I never had a home birth but one of my children was a water birth which was great.Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, great News,,,,cough GOING AWAY
& Progress,,,(anti-system,,hehe)
God's Way.

Bless You & Yours,
Ur a REAL SAMPLE of Faith!

My 1st with JDz mom was in a little motel room near the mouth of the Amazon River (Santarem, Para) a nice little city, with mostly sandy roads.
The owner of the motel was a midwife :D &
we thought it was gonna be a Daniel,,but,
she came out all purple,,,tight squeeze,,
but we left the embilaclez(sp) on,,of course till she tuned a nice redish :D
& thus Ivana Danielle was the new proclaimed name!
Tks for prayers for her,,,,

Anyways, we are calling on the Keys for your birth & strnegth & all,,TYJESUS,,Praise You Lord & Your Spirits preparing everything for this Super Exciting Event.

And Tks Terri & JD for sharing updates with this near & far who love you!

I guess this is why this birth is touching me more than others :D

Vn Grnpa